Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne
Madison entered on the back of Tara's motorcycle. Velvet was accompanied by Angelina Love. Madison choked Velvet in the corner with her boot, then punched her down and choked her on the mat. Madison put Velvet in a cravate and tossed her down to the mat. Madison put her in a camel clutch and jumped on her back, then reapplied the hold. Velvet kicked Rayne low, then slapped her in the face. Tara and Angelina argued on the floor, distracting the referee and as a result missing Velvet's cradle on Madison. Madison gave Velvet a clothesline, then pulled on her hair. Madison used a headscissors to ram Velvet face first into the mat, then got a two count. Madison went for a leapfrog in the corner, but Velvet caught it and slammed Madison to the mat. Velvet hit some clotheslines and a back elbow. Velvet kicked away a backdrop and hit a spear, then rammed Madison headfirst into the mat. Velvet hit a bulldog, put Tara pulled her out of the ring to stop the pinfall. Tara grabbed her helmet to use on Velvet, but Angelina kicked Tara from behind. Velvet crawled back into the ring, and Madison set her up for a neckbreaker, but Velvet reversed it into a DDT for the pin at the five minute mark.
Source: PW Insider
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